Collection: Mecarelli Agricultural Company

Hazelnuts, hazelnut spreads, biscuits ...

Since 1965, the Mecarelli Company has grown exclusively native cultivars of Gentile Romana hazelnuts with special care in Nocchione and wild used as pollinators.

Thanks to the construction of the crop processing plant in 2013, we offer customers semi-finished products with the guarantee of freshness and traceability, respecting the HACCP regime and self-certification gluten-free and lactose-free.

The company orientation has always been aimed at eco-compatibility with adherence, over time, to minimizing the use of plant protection products and chemical fertilizers, by signing the Aware Agriculture protocol with local authorities.

Our experience comes from 36 years of daily work.

For us the goal is never money, but produce the best product while respecting the environment. 

Today everything goes fast, you want to have everything immediately, instead we wait for the cyclicality of the seasons, we breathe time.



The Mecarelli company with its Glory of Caesar is located in Corchiano in a place about six kilometers from the town, called Fratta. The small size of the company, which mainly produces hazelnuts, allows you to personally follow every phase of the work: pruning, fertilization, irrigation, guided defense, harvesting, drying and from 2013 also in the production of creams and cookies.

We cannot think of the plant only at harvest time and only when we are sure it will give us the fruit, but it is important to pamper them all year round, every year, even in the poorest ones.

The primary commitment of a farmer is the health of the plant and the quality of the fruit while respecting and protecting the environment. Thanks to all those "old men" for sowing, planting and caring for all the trees that surround our country.