How we choose companies:the disciplinary

The Disciplinary of Genuine Foods

The project Genuine Foods - More than Organic was founded by the non-profit association Cibi Sani e Genuini and Spesa della Nonna srls, with the aim of helping and enhancing virtuous producers - farmers, breeders, small family-run farms, companies attentive to the health of animals and the social impact of their productions - who, by maintaining sustainable production models and protecting biodiversity, are key to ensuring the safety of a healthy diet and far from market logics, where economic aspects prevail over nutrition and human health.

To achieve this goal, an e-commerce platform with a non-profit nature has been created and the first store has been opened in Rome at Via Catania 39 (Piazzale delle Provincie - Piazza Bologna area)
The selection of products is made through a strict disciplinary process that verifies criteria aimed at identifying only natural and genuine foods, made with artisanal techniques, without the use of pesticides, chemical additives, and other industrially refined "ingredients."

In particular, consideration is given to agricultural companies:

- that have obtained organic and/or biodynamic certification or, even if they have chosen not to certify, do not use pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers.

- that practice crop rotation or other farming techniques aimed at improving the organic quality of the soil.

- attentive to the supply chain, producing directly or knowing exactly the origin of all raw materials used in production

- producing cereals with "ancient" grains

- producing legumes, vegetables, and fruits enhancing native varieties

- producing natural autochthonous wines, without added sulfites

- raising free-range animals (free-range and semi-free-range breeding) fed with natural food and in full respect of their health

More specifically:

- Dry bakery products (cookies, crackers, taralli ... )
Flour is the main ingredient for these types of foods, and for this reason, companies that produce and use certified Italian wheat from which they obtain the flour for their products are considered. Furthermore, the quality of raw materials must be guaranteed, for example, eggs must come from farms with the characteristics specified in this disciplinary.

- Dairy products (Cheeses, ricotta, mozzarella ...)
The main ingredient is milk. Virtuous producers raise the livestock from which they obtain the milk to produce cheeses and dairy products in general. This way, they can guarantee predominantly grass-fed nutrition and outdoor life for the animal. These types of productions have a much lower milk yield compared to industrial farms, in favor of a very high quality of the final product.

- Fresh meats and sausages
For fresh beef, only those from organic farming, with free-range or semi-free-range breeding, free-range, and natural feeding (e.g., 80% grass, 20% minerals, soy, and corn grown by the same company) are considered.

For pork meat in particular, free-range or semi-free-range breeding with natural feeding (e.g., acorns) and mineral salt integration are considered. Specifically for cold cuts, starting from semi-free-range pork, only artisanal productions without the use of added preservatives are considered.
Meat can be preserved thanks to salt and a skillful blend of natural spices.

- For Vegetables (fruits and vegetables) those from biodynamic, biomagnetic, and organic certified agriculture that do not use phytosanitary products affecting the vital processes of the plant (e.g., growth) are identified in the first place. Artisanal companies are particularly considered for the tradition and genuineness of their productions.

- Jams and marmalade
Only jams and marmalade without additives (thickeners, pectins, etc.) and added sugars (glucose syrup, dextrose, sweeteners, etc.) are considered. Traditional production techniques must involve the use of a quantity of fruit greater than 100 mg per 100 mg of product for jams.

- Spreadable cream with chocolate, hazelnut, pistachio
Must be made with extra virgin olive oil (not fats and industrially processed vegetable oils). The quantity of hazelnuts or pistachios must be at least 50% of the total; in chocolate creams, no chemical thickeners should be among the ingredients.

- Chicken, eggs, hen
Only non-intensive, outdoor-raised - not caged - free to move farms are considered. Natural feeding must be provided, meaning no animal feed, GMOs, or substances harmful chemicals as required by law. Farms using antibiotics and hormones to speed up and increase the animal's weight are not considered. In particular, chicken producers must have purchased the chick at 2 or maximum 10 days old, thus ensuring the healthy nutrition of the animal and outdoor breeding.
Slaughtering should not occur before 4 months of the animal's life, ensuring slow growth and respect for the animal's life cycle.

- Wines and sparkling wines
Only autochthonous and non-intensive grape varieties are considered, organic and artisanal production, not industrial, with hand-picked grapes and territorial origin certification. Companies must use a very low sulfite content of 0.9% compared to that required by law. Total absence of sulfites is a preferential criterion.

- Craft beers
To define a craft beer as "quality," it is important to consider some factors: - it should not contain preservatives; - raw materials must be of excellent quality and 100% organic; - it should not be pasteurized; - it should not normally be filtered; - it should be produced in limited quantities.
Naturally, to date, there is no clear regulation or disciplinary to follow, as is the case for other products such as wine and prosecco, so each Brewmaster uses the ingredients offered by their land, which are then the ones that will characterize the product and add value to the beer, starting with the quality of the water. To be featured on our platform, all ingredients used for production must be traceable to ensure that the malts and barley used do not come from industrial productions.